Megalomaniac Headlines of Fantasia first wave
La Premiere Mondiale de MEGALOMANIAC aura lieu au Fantasia International Film Festival.
La date exacte de la projection est encore inconnue. Mais c’est donc en juillet à Montréal que les premiers spectateurs pourront découvrir en primeur ce film d’horreur de Karim OUELHAJ, inspiré de l’affaire du Dépeceur de Mons.
C’est la première vague pour ce festival de genre et MEGALOMANIAC a le privilège d’être cité en headlines.
Nous sommes très heureux et très fiers pour toute l’équipe du film.
The World Premiere of MEGALOMANIAC will take place at the Fantasia International Film Festival.
The exact date of the screening is still unknown. But it is in July in Montreal that the first spectators will be able to discover this horror film by Karim OUELHAJ, inspired by the case of the Butcher of Mons.
This is the first wave for this genre festival and MEGALOMANIAC has the privilege of being mentioned in headlines.
We are very happy and proud for all the team of the film

“Carried by the breathtaking performance of lead actor Eline Schumacher and her descent into insanity,
MEGALOMANIAC digs deep into the sordid true story of Belgian serial killer, The Butcher of Mons.”
World Premiere.

Megalomaniac by Karim Ouelhaj
Plus d’infos sur le film : ici
World Premiere @ Fantasia 2022.
International sales : XYZ ( North AMerica) + Media Move (World)
Cast : Eline Schumacher, Benjamin Ramon, Hélène Moor, Wim Willaert, Pierre Nisse, Raphaelle Bruneau, Quentin Lasbazeilles, Olivier Picard, Catherine Jandrain.