‘Entrails of Savage Capitalism’ selected at Monsters !
We are very pleased to inform you of the World Premiere of the short “Entrails of Savage Capitalism” (Éloge du Capitalisme Sauvage) by Julien Cescotto at the Monsters Fantastic film festival in Taranto (Italy).
Tetaniya en projection à Liège !
C’est avec joie que nous vous convions à découvrir TETANIYA, le premier film de Patrice Mougeolle à Liège le jeudi 5 décembre.
‘Quiet Sheep’ selected at Monsters Fantastic Film Festival
We are delighted to announce the first selection of Julien Fournier‘s short film Quiet Sheep (La Tranquillité Des Moutons) at the Monsters Fantastic film festival in Taranto (Italy).
La Tranquillité Des Moutons goes inside your head
With a very chopped up schedule, Julien Fournier managed to complete the shooting of his first film in professional conditions and we congratulate him!