Megalomaniac continues its conquest of the world!
Variety announces the new territories acquired by Megalomaniac by Karim Ouelhaj.
After Japan, Korea (Youngjin Creative), Germany and German-speaking territories (Indeed Film) and the whole Latin America (Encripta), it’s now the turn of the United States and Canada (Dark Star Pictures), Scandinavia and Finland (Njuta Films), France and all French-speaking territories, including Belgium! (Factoris Films), more than 80 territories to date for our little Belgian film!
“We believe that intense practical effects and gruesome visuals in ‘Megalomaniac’ will make it a surefire hit with the genre community. But the character study of Martha offers a unique conversation on our value system and that should connect it to the arthouse audience,”
Michael Repsch, president of Dark Star Pictures.
We are very proud
A theatrical release is planned in Germany, the USA and France!
Factoris Films’ Tristan Prunier, praising Ouelhaj’s “super precise” work, also commented on Éline Schumacher’s performance. “It’s simply hypnotic,” he said.
“In France, connoisseurs of genre films are currently looking for harder, more extreme films. But ones that come with high quality and talent. We noticed it also when releasing [Taiwanese body horror] ‘The Sadness.’”
Stay tuned
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